Our Guide to Fridge Shelf Life for All Your Favorites

Eric Ginsburg

I can't tell you how many times I've searched online to see how long a particular kind of food will last in the fridge.

A lot of the time you can just tell if something is past its prime — an off smell, changing color, and definitely any signs of mold. 

But it's not always so obvious, so it's good to confirm best practices whether for an individual ingredient or for an assembled meal.

Understanding these things can help you reduce food waste and save money. And it can also help you avoid eating something that should've been thrown out for food safety reasons.

We try to include information in our recipes and other content about how to preserve your food, including how to store it in the fridge or refrigerator. But for your convenience, we've assembled some of our most relevant info right here, so that you can easily save and reference it for the future.

1. How Long is Pizza Good for In the Fridge?

How Long is Pizza Good for In the Fridge?
Ever eyed your leftovers and wondered - just how long is pizza good for in the fridge? Here we'll tell you whether it's safe to tuck into that takeout or not!

2. How Long Does Raw Chicken Last in the Fridge?

How Long Does Raw Chicken Last in the Fridge?
How long does raw chicken last in the fridge? We know the answer!

3. How Long Does Cooked Chicken Last in the Fridge?

How Long Does Cooked Chicken Last in the Fridge?
Wondering how long cooked chicken lasts in the fridge? We know the answer!

4. How Long Do Tamales Last in the Fridge?

How Long Do Tamales Last in the Fridge?
If you've ever had tamales, you know how delicious they are. But do you know how to store them?

5. How Long Does Queso Last in the Fridge? FAQ Answered

How Long Does Queso Last in the Fridge? FAQ Answered
We'll help you keep your queso — or queso fresco — fresher longer in the fridge.

6. How Long Does Uncooked Turkey Last in the Fridge?

How Long Does Uncooked Turkey Last in the Fridge?
If you're wondering just how long you can keep that turkey in the fridge, here's everything you need to know.

7. How Long Can Pumpkin Pie Last in the Fridge?

How Long Can Pumpkin Pie Last in the Fridge?
Make the most of your pumpkin pie by knowing when to refrigerate, thaw, or freeze it.

8. How Long Can Jello Shots Last in the Fridge?

How Long Can Jello Shots Last in the Fridge?
J-E-L-L-O: It's aliiiiiive! Here's how to keep your Jello shots alive for longer and keep the party going.

9. How Long Does Apple Cider Last in the Fridge?

How Long Does Apple Cider Last in the Fridge?
Looking to stock up on this fall essential and wondering how long apple cider last sin the fridge? Here's everything you need to know.

10. How Long Do Bagels Last in the Fridge?

How Long Do Bagels Last in the Fridge?
Love bagels but wondering how long they last in the fridge? This guide breaks down everything you need to know.

11. How Long is Leftover Taco Meat Good For?

How Long is Leftover Taco Meat Good For?
Eat more tacos and stay safe while doing it with this explainer.

12. How Long Does Hawaiian Bread Last?

How Long Does Hawaiian Bread Last?
Hawaiian bread is a holiday (and year-round) staple. This will help it last longer.

13. How Long Does Guacamole Last?

How Long Does Guacamole Last?
How long does guacamole last? We know the answer!

14. How Long Do Hard-Boiled Eggs Last?

How Long Do Hard-Boiled Eggs Last?
Wondering how long hard-boiled eggs last? Read on!

15. How Long Do Raw Pumpkin Seeds Last?

How Long Do Raw Pumpkin Seeds Last?
Have a bunch of pumpkin seeds and wondering how long they last? This guide breaks down everything you need to know.

16. How Long Does Champagne Last Opened?

How Long Does Champagne Last Opened?
Have leftover champagne and wondering how long you can save it? This guide shares everything you need to know.

17. How Long Does Bacon Last Once It's Open?

How Long Does Bacon Last Once It's Open?
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18. How Long Can Coffee Creamer Sit Out Before Going Bad?

How Long Can Coffee Creamer Sit Out Before Going Bad?
Our coffee fanatic weighs in on best practices for your coffee creamer.

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FAQ, Safety, Pizza, Chicken, Tamales
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